We provide answers to your marketing questions.
Don’t Guess. Ask.
She sets the right tone for engaging the respondents and getting at the heart of the real issues.  Her strategic marketing background and experience in such a wide variety of industries give her the insight needed to dig for the motivations that really drive thinking.
Lori Mitchell Dixon, Ph.D. Principal,
Great Lakes Marketing

focus group moderator and workshop leader



Lori brings 25 years marketing research and marketing consulting experience to your projects.  She earned a doctorate in strategic marketing with minors in statistics and international business.  Her academic training combined with front line experience make her business insights invaluable.

 Lori leads an average of 50 groups a year on topics from consumer and professional services to health care; industrial products to pharmaceuticals.  Clients range from public entities such as the United States Postal Service and the Consumer Product Safety Commission to the nation’s largest consumer and industrial firms. 

Her reports are insightful, powerfully written managerial documents that highlight the key findings and provide direction for strategic planning and innovation.



Lori Dixon Ph.D. Principal

Amelia Soh Senior Project Manager

Ben McNeil Project Manager

Laura Jamieson Project Manager

Phyllis Korte Director, Operation Safe Child

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