Making Connections

Have you played the Connections game that appears in the New York Times and other newspapers? It is a fascinating challenge to group words together that have something in common. It is a fun mind game. But, it is also a stark reminder that perception, past experiences, and exposures are the great marketing divide.

The game can remind us that not only are your customers receiving your marketing and advertising messages, but their decision-making is also influenced by other exposures, perceptions, and past experiences.

Please let me explain it to you this way:

I share my Connections results to my daughter each day. The days that she has no issues seeing the patterns are the days that I am stymied. When I see swift, I think, expedient. My mind went in all the wrong places when I saw mars (planets), gaga (baby talk), and spears (not pickles, by the way). Of course, these are musical stars. Point being, you may not see things the way your customer sees them because your experiences and exposure to the internal workings of your industry.

My suggestion is that you make a consumer insights program a regular activity. I can help. Information moves quickly and no one person can be expected to catch it all. Give me a call and let’s see if we can work out a plan to keep you in the know.

Let’s connect!


The Value of Knowing WHY and HOW